Certification Levels
In 2016 ERSA has replaced the old tests (CS & MRT) and added relevant questions in comparison to the original stringer certification programs initiated in 1986. The tests had not been updated for 30 years so we decided to make our own, better certification system. We had been discussing this for several years with the USRSA but they were adamant about retaining the original tests and we were not allowed to update anything on the test. The ERSA added the Pro Tour Stringer Certification 13 years ago and this has become the industry standard. There will also be a MPS Level 2 for Shop Owners, Shop Managers and Shop Stringers dealing daily in the retail environment. This will include racquet and string technologies, racquet tuning, management, marketing, sales, online shops, accounting, inventories and Social Media.
In addition to tennis ERSA is also teaching and certifying stringers in both badminton and squash.
ERSA and the racquet sports industry will support our education program, competence and expertise by actively encouraging players to seek out ERSA Professional Stringers and ERSA Master Professional Stringers for racquet sales and service.
We current offer different levels of certification and which one you choose can depend on your level of experience and which racquet sports you deal with. It may also depend on whether you work from home, as a coach or in a shop.
Racquet technicians who pass all portions of the certification exam will receive a “Master Professional Stringer” certificate. It is the intention of the ERSA that this certificate be considered by:
- Consumers, when selecting a racquet technician
- Employers, when hiring a new racquet technician
Certification by the ERSA whether as a Master Professional Stringer, or as a Professional Stringer, involves a comprehensive written test and a detailed practical test. Each measures your understanding and skills with respect to all facets of racquet service — installing grommets and string, re-gripping, and handle sizing. Additionally, to attain MPS status, you’ll be required to demonstrate understanding and customization of weight and balance as well as current frame and string technologies and how those technologies translate to player satisfaction.
ERSA Certification Programs will:
- Set a standard of excellence in racquet service and product knowledge
- Encourage and promote professionalism in the racquet sports industry
- Instill consumer confidence in racquet stringers and technicians
- Expand the availability of expert racquet stringers and technicians
- Endorse the competence of qualified racquet stringers and technicians
The primary source of material for certification is the Pro Stringer Techniques Guide in the Stringers Digest, which is provided as a benefit of ERSA membership. The information in this Study Guide is best understood in conjunction with the information presented in the Pro Stringer Techniques Guide.
There are currently 6 levels available, and they are :-
- ERSA Stringer
- ERSA Professional Stringer,
- ERSA Master Professional Stringer,
- ERSA Pro Tour Stringer level 1,
- ERSA Pro Tour Stringer level 2, and
- ERSA Master Pro Tour Stringer.
ERSA Stringer
This is the base level of certification offered by the ERSA. It shows that the stringer has attended am ERSA workshop or course; and achieved a high standard on understanding, and stringing skills within the course.
ERSA Professional Stringer (ERSA PS)
This is the base level of certification offered by the ERSA. It shows that the stringer has a good knowledge of strings, stringing, racquet maintenance and customer service.
ERSA Master Professional Stringer (ERSA MPS)
This is probably the most recognised level of certification throughout the world. It shows that the stringer has a higher level of knowledge and experience. Consequently the test is harder than the ERSA PS.
ERSA Pro Tour Stringer level 1 (ERSA PTS 1)
This certification is now becoming the default requirement for tournament stringers around the world. It is aimed at stringer who work or want to work at the World's best tournaments, and further their career as a tournament stringer. The test simulates stringing situations that regularly occur in stringing rooms.
ERSA Pro Tour Stringer level 2 (ERSA PTS 2)
This follows on from PTS 1, and is even harder to achieve and really stretches even the best stringers in the World. Consequently, those achieving it are stringing at the highest levels of tournaments such as Grand Slams.
ERSA Master Pro Tour Stringer (ERSA MPTS)
This can only be achieved by those few who are capable of reaching PTS 2 and have 10 years experience of running stringing teams on the tour.